All good things come to an end. After almost three years of hard work, we have finalized the Edutrans project during our last meeting in Roskilde, Denmark on June 28 and 29, 2022. Writing these words, it does feel almost a bit unrealistic.
After an informative tour through Roskilde Techniske Skole, we started up our laptops for the last bits of team work which had to be done. A final quality check was executed on all the technical information of the models and the accompanying learning materials. And we had the opportunity to make final improvements and optimalisations. Looking back, it is interesting to notice that we kept developing our perspectives throughout the project, which led to a continuous improvement of the deliverables.
We experienced that the international cooperation between our VET schools (and our stakeholders) has been of high added value for the further improvement of our education. The project facilitated in looking at our (future) education practice from different perspectives and taking it to a next level.
All deliverables (Handbook, technical information about the models, learning materials etc.) can be found on the project website. We hope – and foresee – that many VET schools and Europa are going to make use of these materials on energy transition education!