Seven European VET schools from four European countries have cooperated in the Edutrans project. The project was being led by the Dutch VET school ‘ROC Da Vinci College’.
We developed our products in close cooperation with the working field.
More information about each partner you will find below.

ROC Da Vinci College
ROC Zuid – Holland – Zuid / Da Vinci College offers vocational training programs in Economics, Engineering and Technology, Information Technology, Health Care and Social Services. The age of our students ranges from 16 – about 20 years old. Besides also a wide variety of contract programs is offered, as well as basic education for adults.
We are aware of the fact that being a ROC we play an important role in society and also have a great responsibility to prepare students in an adequate way for their further participation in society. This implies that we continuously work on enhancing relationships with supplying schools, companies and institutions. We have to know what the labour market needs.
Trying to respond to the needs of society & the labour market we think that international activities, like mobility for students and staff, will help to get prepared for work at the international labour market and to be an understanding and contributing citizen.
In today’s society, sustainability and the energy transition are key. Students need new knowledge and skills to work in this sector, therefore this project is helping to keep our education up to date.
Leerparkpromenade 100
3312 KW Dordrecht
The Netherlands

Deltion College
Deltion College is a regional education centre (Regionaal OpleidingenCentrum, ROC) and active in almost all fields of Vocational Education and Training (VET). We also offer adult education courses and are an expert in the provision of company training courses.
Deltion College currently provides its educational services to 18.000 students and course participants and employs over 1.400 members of staff.
We encourage and facilitate all our students and employees to broaden their horizons, literally.
Our goals is to constantly innovate and improve the quality of the education we offer our students, while at the same time improving the skills of people who work at the college.
By participating in the Edutrans project we actively contribute to sustainability goals and future-proof VET education.

Aarhus Tech
AARHUS TECH was founded in 1828 and is one of the largest VET institutions in Denmark. The purpose of the college is to provide a coordinated system of vocational education and training programmes at various levels in order to meet the requirements of the private as well as the public sector. The college has a long tradition of servicing the private and public sector with a focus on the training needs of the Eastern part of Jutland and by offering flexible education and training programmes and courses within a wide variety of occupations at different levels.
The VET educations offered at AARHUS TECH covers qualifications in IT, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Construction, Graphic and design, facility service, transport and logistics, Auto mechanics, Gastronomy and hairdressing.
The reason that AARHUS TECH finds it important to participate in the project is that energy efficiency has been a topic in Denmark for decades. There are high demands on insulation and reducing consumption of resources. The wind turbine sector is one of Denmark’s main export sectors and requires highly skilled staff at all levels.
AARHUS TECH educates electricians and energy specialist (a specialization within in plumbers education). Both educations have specific learning outcomes at an advanced level with regard to energy efficiency and energy transition.
Halmstadgade 6
8200 Aarhus N

Roskilde Technical College
Roskilde Technical College was founded in 1840 by the local master artisans. It’s one of the oldest technical colleges in Denmark.
Roskilde Technical College offers several vocational education and training programmes, HTX (Higher Technical Examination which is a Technical upper secondary education) and more advanced technical education.
In addition to this the college offers further education for skilled workers, company-related courses and introductory courses for primary school pupils. Among our other activities are many developing activities within the Danish Vocational Education and Training System.
The college is working focused to offer students to study abroad for a short or long period during their education. We have student exchanges with most of the European countries and Australia. The College think it’s important to be open minded for other cultures and their education method. We seek opportunities to develop our college and it’s teachers, to be the best possible college for our students. Not just pedagogical and subject professional, but all aspects regarding teaching and learning.

The Hans-Sachs-Berufskolleg (hsbk) of the City of Oberhausen, which celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2015, is located in the centre of the city of Oberhausen and has its beginnings as a mining school in the region. At present 2009 students, about 17% of whom have a migrant background, from 105 teachers taught.
The qualification focus of the hsbk is in the fields of construction and electrical engineering, design engineering, Sanitary, heating, air conditioning and ventilation technology, automotive and metal technology and food technology. The courses of education range from vocational orientation and primary vocational school, workshop year, international support classes, the two-year vocational school up to the 2-year or 3-year vocational school and technical high school.
There are several reasons for the hsbk to participate in the edutrans project. The global challange of the energy transition can only succeed with international cooperation. internationally. We would like to exchange our knowledge and work together on innovative pedagogical learning and teaching materials. This will strengthen our education and our international network. By participating in this project our students gain insight into the European labour market and get an international work experience.
Am Förderturm 5
46049 Oberhausen

Centro de Formación Profesional XABEC
Eifor is a Non Profit Organization, the legal body which has promoted XABEC VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE. In this College the three Spanish subsystems of vocational training are taught: Initial Vocational Training (5 qualifications of Middle VET and 2 qualifications of Upper VET), Education for Employment (annually about 15-17 Occupational Training courses) and an average of 12 Continuing Education courses for companies. Distant-Learning is also provided in Xabec.
The courses taught at the Centre are focused in the knowledge area of Industrial Maintenance and Building Installations in which the centre has a vast experience.
Xabec has been a Pilot school for the implementation of the Dual Training System in Valencia Region and nowadays all their qualifications are offered in classroom based learning and the Dual System. The Foundation also has extensive experience in practical training programmes aimed at immigrants, especially African and South American.
Since 2012 Xabec has held the presidency of the Association for Innovation in Industrial Maintenance" (InnMain ) which is a network of educational institutions, businesses, chambers of commerce and business associations in the field of Industrial Maintenance devoted to promote innovation in education in Europe.
Calle Esteban Dolz del Castellar 3
46019 Valencia

Usurbilgo Lanbide Eskola is a Basque public school that provides
VET training in the fields of renewables, electricity, installation
maintenance, energy efficiency, business administration and
industrial manufacturing. We are actively participating in international projects such as Erasmus+, Interreg, Poctefa, becas Chile etc. The Zubigune foundation supports our work.
We are very interested in collaborating with international partners in didactical energy models that will permit fighting climate change.
De Etarte Bidea, 9
20170 Zubieta